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My wife and would like to do a mangrove kayak tour while we will stay in Quepos. I saw a few tours available in Dominical (Pineapple tours and Dominical Surf adventure) which have discount with the premium pack but I didn't see any in the area of Isla Damas.

From what I have seen on the WEB the mangrove kayak tour in Isla Damas seem to look better , does anybody have done one of these tours , I would be nice to get their appreciations of these tours.


Vues : 130

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Bonjour André,


My wife and would like to do a mangrove kayak tour while we will stay in Quepos. I saw a few tours available in Dominical (Pineapple tours and Dominical Surf adventure) which have discount with the premium pack but I didn't see any in the area of Isla Damas. However, there is one in the list ! Iguana Tours. They leave from Quepos for a mangrove kayak tour in the Damas.

From what I have seen on the WEB the mangrove kayak tour in Isla Damas seem to look better , does anybody have done one of these tours , I would be nice to get their appreciations of these tours. Lots of birds, lots of apes (mostly whitefaces) and obviously, an incredible environment around you...

Vive les réductions Premium ToutCostaRica ! :-).

A très bientôt


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